8/20/06 Sunday 28 Days Post Accident


            First off the bat the oral/maxillary service called me to make sure I get you a follow up appointment this Thursday or Friday with Dr. McKenna to have your wires removed in his clinic.  The Junior Resident called to give information regarding your oral care while at Stallworth.

It is exciting to know you are ready to be transferred to rehabilitation.  Today marks the 4th week you have been in the Trauma unit at Vanderbilt.

Your mouth is healing, your abdominal wound is closing nicely (it still has a way to go), and your mind is getting sharper.

Today has been a very busy day for the Trauma unit – that is not a good thing.  We have nothing but complete respect for the staff (particularly the nurses and doctors) who have cared for you and all the other patients.  When there are days like today the staff is placed into high gear and are at the top of their game – for every patient we are very thankful.  We know that not all patients have good outcomes – but we do know the staff works hard for the best outcome to occur if at all possible.  Our hearts are always heavy when a new family has to come to the Trauma unit and we pray for that new patient and the family, as we know prayers have been said for you and us.


8/20/06 Sunday’s Day End Summary


            You were awake and alert for a longer period of time today.  You also lengthened your time in the neuro chair.  This was a very good day for you.  It was also somewhat sad as Christine had to go back to Chattanooga as school starts tomorrow for her.

            The plan tomorrow is to transfer you to Stallworth Rehabilitation hospital.  I do not know when or what time.  Once you are there Stallworth will work you hard – you have to participate in 3 – 4 hours of rehab a day.

            You will also need to work hard on gaining weight as you have lost quite a bit in the 4 weeks you have been here.

            I think you are ready to get started on rehab and gaining weight.  I know you are ready to transfer out of Trauma.